






History groups


In popularity of the leningrad group "Cinema" there is that- that unexplained - and, really, success, glory, mass confession, which, as a rule, find the performer after hits his(its) creative activity, came to "Cinema" then, when group, possible say, existed already in imagination admirer only. The Year "Cinema" began the springtime 1988, when group completely disappeared with music horizon: did not emerge, did not rehearse, but her(its) participants were an occupied realization own creative plan. Seemed, only on cast of the die they выкроили time and have terminated work on found already half-yes in "полуфабрикатном" condition by album "Blood type". He-that and became the catalyst of the blast "киномании".

But began all autumn 1981-go, when on debris long ago forgotten commands "Pilgrim", "Paragraph" and "Chamber number 6" appeared the trio "Garin and гиперболоиды". The Vapour(pair) of the months after composition his(its) grew shorter before duo, but name applied to "Cinema", - in that time for he escaped Viktor Coy and Aleksey Rybin. They have entered in Fate-club, springtime of the following year дебютировали on his(its) scene at деятельном participation musician "Aquarium" and "Zoo", have written the album, on total time звучания got name "Fourty five", vapour(pair) once left in Moscow and disappeared for whole year. Then have emerged else vapour(pair) once - five together - whereupon unexpectedly распались. And all at May 1984. "Cinema" appeared newly. Viktor Coy (the guitar, вокал); YUriy Kasparyan (the guitar); Alexander Titov (the bass) and Georgiy "Gustav" Guriyanov (striking) for vapour(pair) of the months отрепетировали new program and "dark horse" left on scene 11 leningrad fates-festival, where have produced the persisting sensation, having become one of the main opening this review of the creativities fate-motion. The Rank лауреатов Fate-club "To." confirmed else twice - in 1985 and 1987 gg. The Autumn 1984. Titova has changed Igori Tihomirov - on combine jobs bass-гитарист "Dzhungley" and "Prist-mechanical engineers". Thereafter composition "To." - unless consider the episodic appearances varied гитаристов, клавишников and перкуссионистов - remains unchangeable. The Canto "Cinema" attract the listeners an abudance fresh мелодических of the decisions, but excellent ансамблевая play allows to speak of her as about persisting sample fate- groups. In text В. Coya - as follows he is an author practically whole repertoire "Cinema" - a romantic high images mingle with especially реалистическими, home зарисовками from nature, reflecting internal world of the young person, in they find the place and good humour, but sometimes and acerbic irony, which in general rather typical of poetical language В. Coya. In more late functioning(working) the group noticeably "повзросление" her(its) lyrical hero, departure from naive бытописания lifes courtyard and подворотен, tumbling to more serious problem, calls to active action, moral renovation.

After success of the album "Blood type" and output on screens of the country of the film С. Solovieva "Assa", in which short appearance "Cinema" became hardly not the most significant moment of the whole picture, group as it were finds the second wind. It Is Renewed concert activity, pass the successful tours both on country, and overseas - in particular, in Danmark, where group took part in charitable action of the motion "Nonst foots", France, where "Cinema" has emerged on the most largest fate-festival in g. Burzhe and on annual festival of the soviet fate "Back into USSR" in Italies. Aside from "Assy" "Cinema" left in picture А also. The Teacher "Fate", "City" А. Burceva, but Coy has successfully played the main role in своеобразном film R. Nurgmanova "Needle". In 1989, their plate is released in France. the August 15 1990. Coy to perished in autocatastrophe. At January 1991. "Tune" has released "posthumous" album "Cinema", доработанный in aspic musician groups on base of the quick-and-dirty record, made Coem for several days before death.



see That - that, over sent, витало on former capital at the beginning initially 80-h, ибо than other explain the incredible hits a fate - an музыкалной to activities in that time. Moscow son похрюкивала, recalling and recooking Olympiad, in eve which in белокаменной was, basically, be through with alcoholic, sponger, рокерами and other evil spirits. In Peter, thank god, this did not happen, and "new wave" отечественой fate-musics came with nevsky coast exactly. Than has concerned with in "stuffy" timeses in city, reminding забытую theatrical window dressing, which the whole air is penetrated persisting historian, rather then совковым новоязом?


What has stood out in small грязноватом, but not дорогом cafe on Nevsky, amongst полубезумных poet, nondwelted hippie and other тусующейся youth? New time has generated the new universal language - a fate-music, and mass interest to her was inevitable. Any talents and their admirers рекрутировались In rows musician since say its word friends under guitar was more simply, than print anything in newspaper, but more so - remove the cinema or make the artistic exhibition. Hard урбанизированный rhythm of the modern city выдавил from itself snot and breaths t.n. the amateur canto having left pale детям communicating courtyard hard net буги - вуги and problems, which not always disappear with pimple.



Gallivanted on раздолбанным питерским street and зассанным space beneath a gate two idlers - a hard worker Wooden goblin Rybin and пэтэушник Viktor Coy. The First played in homebred command with eternal name PILGRIMS, the second tore apart the bass-guitar in CHAMBER N6, and both called at in guests to already storied Tanktop (the ZOO) or to Pig, Andreyu Panovu, the main and town punk идейному on Neva. On apartment Svina beside Parka of the Victory, where was a cue - what device, rehearsed AVTOMOTICHESKIE UDOVLETVORITELI (than not SEX PISTOLS?), saws why - that heated dry wine, listened the fresh west plates.


There and have sounded the first canto Coya. On border 80 - 81 - go together with UDOVLETVORITELYAMI Coy and Fish were wound in Moscow "to give the punk - a fate" on квартирниках Troickogo, played on miscellaneous питерских сейшенах. On legend, in this time "oldster Derzhavin" already, in the sense of BG, has heard Coya, sing with company in electric train, and has offered the all the manner of help.


Summer 81 - go, freaking out from delaying crimean idleness, Coy, Fish and Oleg Valinskiy create the group GARIN And GIPERBOLOIDY, which already autumn receive a visit at members LENROK - a club. Valinskogo soon withdrew in army, and he disappears from далнейшей history of the group. The Autumn and winter passed in rehearsal, квартирниках, trip in Moscow, and to springtime 1982, having changed name on CINEMA, group sits in cool Building young technology Andreya Tropillo, where under the direction of Grebenschikova writes its first album. Pre-recorded, aside from strictly Viktora Coya and Alekseya Rybina, took part all musicians of the AQUARIUM. Soon took place and the first electric appearance on scene fate-club with Mihailom "Fanom" Vasilievym and Dyushey Romanovym. All 30-minute appearance went the non-foots under фонограмму драм-machines, but on code "At one time you was an битником..." have darted out because of wings with instrument BG, Tanktops and Panker, having made merry хепенинг. To summer 82-go албом were finished and on длителности recorded material has got the name "45". In he originally entered 14 songs, but from final variant is removed "I - an asphalt".


Record slowly, but faithfully became to crawl on country, about group have spoken, will go one for the other квартирники and again tours in Moscow. On autumn, взяв on hire future drummer of the ZOO, CINEMA writes in aspic of the Small dramatic theatre beside звукорежиссера Andreya Kuskova several songs, in t.ch. "Springtime" and "Last Hero", subsequently came in plate "Unknown canto Viktora Coya". However, in that moment record was rejected as defective, Viktor has withdrewed the tape to itself, and spreading she has not got.


the February 19 passes the electric concerto a CINEMA in fate-club together with AQUARIUM. The Group emerged in make-up, suit with toad and false diamond, performing herewith "Electric train", "Trolley bus" and "Aluminum cucumber". In the main composition is invited гитарист YUriy Kasparyan, and sometime on horizon замаячил drummer Georgiy "Gustav" Guriyanov, but on springtime from group leaves Rybin. Summer leaves on joint rehearsals with Kasparyanom, which fruit became the албом "46" though it is made he was as demo-record future "Chief Kamchatki". The Wooden goblin Cherry, recorded demo beside itself building, has thrown her(its) friends on vapour(pair) film - and interest was so great that even half-finished item разошелся immediately. However, autumn 1983 Coyu happened to lie on examination in психиатричку on Buckle to закосить from army. Through one and a half not best month in lifes he gets "white ticket", writes "Tranquillizer" and at February 1984 marries Mariyane. This wedding became the epochal event in fate-lifes Leningrad since about she recalls practically all guests,but their was a person 100,BG,Tanktops,Titov, естевственно, all CINEMA and others. The Springtime group already with Titovym on bass opens "Nuclear-free zone" 2-ouch Festival fate-club and gets the лауреатское rank.



It Was Accumulated new песенный material, and summer 1984 in aspic "Antrop" Andreya Tropillo begins be written "Chief Kamchatki".

To record were enclosed: Coy, Kasparyan, Titov, Grebenschikov, Kurehin, Troschenkov and Gakkeli. The Great brotherhood питерских musician.

At March 1985 one more rank laureate on 3-m

The Festival fate-club, and soon sit again to Tropillo to write "Night". Wanted to write fashionable then music of the type DURAN DURAN, with fashionable receiving the play that has brought about затягиванию process. The Album at all was not got, and summer Coy with Kasparyanom threw "Night" gedanken and for week with small in aspic of the Wooden goblin Cherry have written "This not love". Run on homemade драм-type-writer practically вживую with one bracket - a voice. Titov for one day has prescribed the bass-guitar and has left on tours. To autumn "This not love" was сведена, and will go on country. At January 1986 finally-that leaves "Night" Parallel grows popularity, and springtime on 4-m Festival fate-club in 1000-m common-room DK "Nevsky" CINEMA - already in "final" composition: Coy, Kasparyan, Gustav and Igori Tihomirov on bass - gets the diploma for the best canto, v.t.ch. change" Want for "and "Further act shall we". Summer all киношники уез sting on removals of the film "End каникул" in Kiev. At June in Moscow joint concerto moscow took place in DK MIIT and питерских of the groups, where CINEMA has emerged on a par with superpopular then AQUARIUM and ALISOY. With these group leaves in America "Red wave" - first like plate in histories of the russian fate.


On autumn Coy enters to work in "Kamchatku" - boiler on Petrogradskoy side, became revenge pilgrimage питерских тусовщиков. In her Rashid Nugmanov organizes the removals student короткометражки "Yya-hha", in that place pass the сьемки of the film "Fate". The Autumn and winter pass in YAlte on сьемках "Assy" Sergeya Solovieva. The Springtime 1987 rich event to concert life: премьерные show "Assy" in DK MELZ, the last appearance on festival fate - a club, where get the prize "For creative coming of age", the first выезд for border in Francium. In this time for is spoilt-aspic "YAamaha MT 44" begin be written material to album "BLOOD TYPE".


The Autumn 1987 Coy flies off in Alma-Halloo to Nugmanovu on removals of the film "Needle". In this connection CINEMA practically stops concert activity, but carries to wit "Blood type", output which together with "Needle" has generated the following year natural "киноманию". Begin the triumphal tours on country - a CINEMA collects the multithousandth common-rooms and stadiums. the November 16 in Luzhnikah during memorial concerto Bashlacheva spectators have completely sweeped away the chair in orchestra, but, in spite of vile behaviour of the administrations, Coy fittingly brings the appearance before the end. For this CINEMA for whole year is forbidden emerge in Moscow. Parallel with concert lasts and creative activity. On all same is spoilt-aspic by springtime is written rough copy, but December 21-30 1988 and January 3-10 1989 in aspic Valeria Leontieva - already final variant "Stars by name Sun", which have solved попридержать before autumn. Summer Coy with Kasparyanom went in USA, but in this time "Needle" leaves on the second place on renting amongst soviet film, and Coya will acknowledge the best actor of the year. Begin 1990 passes in unceasing tour and trip for border, including in Japan, with which appeared the broad cooperation. Summer, after gruelling tours, terminated June 24 by grandiose concerto on Big atheletic arena Luzhnikov, CINEMA leaves on "vacation", and Coy with Kasparyanom on datcha under YUrmaloy write under acoustic guitar material for new album.





the August 15 1990 at 12 o'clocks 28 minutes Viktor Coy perishes in autocatastrophe. Kasetta with writing the voice miraculously ed, at October-November Kasparyan with Tihomirovym on aspic Videofilm add the instrumental parties, and by year's end leaves the last plate, recorded group, t.n. "Black album" (named so because of colour of the cover). THE CINEMA occupies the first places in all hit-parade, wall of the whole country исписаны word "Cinema" and "Coy-reaped", but history of the group окончена, remained the beautiful legend about "last hero" - Viktore Coe, remained his(its) canto and films.




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